Emporia Main Street Traffic Improves, but EPD Issues Travel Advisory as Wintry Mix Expected Saturday Evening

Emporia Police officers have advised residents to restrict travel to only essential needs due to persistent hazardous road conditions following this week’s Level 2 crash reporting.

Snowfall Impacts and Current Road Conditions

The situation began with over 5 inches of snow over the weekend, followed by an additional 2-3 inches of lighter snow late Thursday into Friday. By midweek, main arterial roads and residential collector streets in Emporia were beginning to clear, though residential streets remained heavily snow-packed. The mixture of wet, sandy snow from the weekend, combined with the lighter snowfall Thursday, has worsened travel conditions.

Street crews have been actively working to blade and treat affected areas. While sunshine and temperatures hovering around 30 degrees have improved driving conditions on main roads and collector streets, residential streets continue to face challenges due to the sandy, snow-packed texture.

Injury Crashes Amid Severe Weather

Authorities have responded to several crashes in and around Emporia during the snowfall. Below are key incidents:

FridayInterstate 35 near Kansas Highway 130A single crash occurred. No transportation of injured individuals was reported.None reported.
Thursday NightKansas Turnpike’s southbound exitA semi slid into a ditch, hitting another semi and a fence.Driver Antonio Moreno-Rodriguez sustained minor injuries and was taken to Newman Regional Health.
MidnightKansas Turnpike’s southbound exitAn SUV rear-ended a semi involved in an earlier crash after sliding off the ramp.Three SUV passengers, Michelle Do, Sokuntheari Hang, and Loan Nguyen, sustained injuries ranging from minor to serious.

Upcoming Weather and Road Concerns

The Kansas Department of Transportation’s Kandrive.gov indicates most highways in the area are experiencing seasonal conditions, including isolated icing and partial coverage. While some areas near Emporia are now dry, a refreeze is anticipated overnight into Saturday morning. Compounding issues, a wintry mix of rain, snow, and freezing rain is expected Saturday evening, potentially bringing new travel hazards.

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