Heroic Rescue: Off-Duty Fire Captain And Lincoln County Resident Save Driver From Burning SUV

In a remarkable act of bravery, Melvin Ashburn, a retiree from Lincoln County, and Tim Mosher, an off-duty fire captain with the Central County Fire & Rescue, rescued Adam Kelly, 33, from a burning SUV earlier this week.

The Incident

While driving near Troy, Missouri, Melvin Ashburn noticed a vehicle in a ditch. Initially, he thought it was a simple mishap, but upon closer inspection, he observed deployed airbags, indicating a severe collision.

Simultaneously, Tim Mosher, though off-duty, also stopped to assist. Together, they discovered the driver, Adam Kelly, unconscious inside the vehicle.

Rescue Efforts

As flames began to emerge from the SUV’s hood, Ashburn and Mosher acted swiftly. They managed to extricate Kelly just as the fire intensified. Ashburn recounted, “By the time we got him out of the car, they were probably three feet high and coming up around the hood.”

Aftermath and Family’s Gratitude

Adam Kelly is currently hospitalized, recovering from his injuries. His family expressed profound gratitude to the rescuers.

His mother, Cheryl Dodson, stated, “We’re so grateful that they risked their own lives.” Kelly’s grandmother, Donna Hunt, added, “We wouldn’t have Adam today if they hadn’t stopped.” Kelly has no recollection of the crash.

Community Response

Assistant Fire Chief Robert Shramek highlighted the importance of community assistance in emergencies, stating, “It’s awesome to know that we have people in our community that will stop and help.” He emphasized the value of immediate aid, noting, “That first person stopping to help is great.”

Rescuer Profiles

  • Melvin Ashburn: A retiree residing in Lincoln County, known for his quick thinking and willingness to assist others in critical situations.
  • Tim Mosher: An experienced fire captain with the Central County Fire & Rescue, exemplifying dedication to public safety even while off-duty.

Key Details of the Rescue

Date of IncidentEarlier this week
LocationNear Troy, Missouri
RescuersMelvin Ashburn (Retiree) and Tim Mosher (Off-duty Fire Captain)
VictimAdam Kelly, 33-year-old male
Vehicle ConditionSUV found in a ditch with deployed airbags; flames approximately three feet high upon rescue
OutcomeVictim successfully rescued and hospitalized; expected to make a full recovery
Family’s ReactionExpressed deep gratitude towards the rescuers, acknowledging that their actions saved Adam’s life

The courageous actions of Melvin Ashburn and Tim Mosher underscore the profound impact of selflessness and community spirit.

Their prompt response not only saved Adam Kelly’s life but also highlighted the importance of readiness to assist others in times of need.

This incident serves as a powerful reminder of the difference individuals can make through acts of bravery and compassion.

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