Kansas License Plate Production Delayed – Here’s What You Need To Know

Kansas License Plate Production Delayed - Here's What You Need To Know

Kansas residents have recently experienced delays in receiving their new state license plates. This issue stems from a combination of holiday schedules and severe winter weather, which have impacted the production timeline.

Holiday and Weather Impact on Production

The Kansas Department of Revenue (KDOR) reported that the license plate manufacturer typically shuts down for two weeks during the holidays. However, a severe winter storm extended this closure by an additional week, causing production delays.

Zach Denney from KDOR stated, “Our license plate manufacturer typically shuts down for two weeks over the holidays, but the winter storm delayed their reopening by an additional week.” The manufacturer has since resumed operations and is processing January orders.

Temporary Tags and Patience Advised

Shawnee County Treasurer Larry Mah has advised residents awaiting their new plates to continue using temporary tags.

He emphasized the importance of patience during this period. Mah mentioned, “If someone is waiting for a plate, they should continue to display the temp (paper) plate.” He further assured that residents can contact the office for assistance if new plates are not received by the end of the week.

Ensuring Timely Delivery

Denney assured that the new plates should be shipped out before drivers’ temporary tags expire. He stated, “They are now back up and running and working on January orders.” This indicates a commitment to resolving the backlog and ensuring that residents receive their new plates promptly.

Table: License Plate Production Timeline

EventDateStatusNotesAction Required
Manufacturer ShutdownDecember 2024CompletedTwo-week holiday closureNone
Extended ClosureEarly January 2025CompletedAdditional week due to winter stormNone
Resumption of ProductionMid-January 2025OngoingProcessing January ordersAwait plates
Expected Plate ShipmentLate January 2025PendingBefore temporary tags expireAwait plates

In summary, while the production of new Kansas license plates has faced delays due to unforeseen circumstances, authorities are actively working to resolve the issue and ensure timely delivery to residents.


Why were the new Kansas license plates delayed?

The delays were caused by the manufacturer’s two-week holiday shutdown, extended by an additional week due to severe winter weather.

When can I expect to receive my new license plate?

The manufacturer has resumed operations and is processing January orders. New plates should be shipped out before the expiration of your temporary tags.

What should I do if my temporary tags are about to expire?

If you have not received your new plate by the end of the week, contact your local county treasurer’s office for assistance.

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